Diamant Capital Academy 2023

Diamant Capital Academy 2023

Original price was: $799.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Linda Raschke – One Week S&P 500 Day Trading Intensive Workshop II

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $15.00.
Linda Raschke - One Week S&P 500 Day Trading Intensive Workshop II

Fierce 10 – High Performance Trading

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Transform your trading game with Fierce 10 High Performance Trading. Learn the mindset strategies and techniques used by successful traders to achieve consistent and sustainable results. Take control of your trading future today!

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Achieve Trading Excellence with Fierce 10 High Performance Trading

Unlock Your Trading Potential with Fierce 10

Are you struggling to make trading work for you? If you’re looking to build a long-term sustainable trading career, Fierce 10 High Performance Trading is the solution you’ve been seeking. This comprehensive program is designed to help traders develop the mindset strategies necessary for consistent and sustainable success in the trading business.

Why Traders Quit and How to Avoid It

Statistics show that 80% of all day traders quit within the first two years. This staggering dropout rate underscores the need for a robust mindset and strategic approach to trading. The Fierce 10 program teaches you how to unlock your high performance trading mindset and leverage your mental strengths to improve your trading outcomes.

Featured in Renowned Trading Circles

Fierce 10 has gained recognition for its effectiveness in transforming traders’ lives. Mandi Pour Rafsendjani, a renowned trading coach, emphasizes that mastering fundamental principles and rules can ensure consistent success in trading.

Principles of High Performance Trading

Self-Awareness and Excellence Modeling

Successful traders possess a high level of self-awareness. They model excellence by observing and learning from top traders in the industry. Fierce 10 helps you develop these critical skills through structured learning and practice.

Goal Setting and Cognitive Dominance

Clearly defined goals, coupled with action steps and milestones, are essential for trading success. The program emphasizes cognitive dominance, which fosters discipline and patience—key traits for any successful trader.

Structured Routines and Coaching

Implementing a strong structure in your trading routine is crucial. Fierce 10 provides guidance on establishing supportive routines and habits that create an environment conducive to success. Additionally, working with a coach who holds you accountable can significantly enhance your trading performance.

Fierce 10 High Performance Trader Mindset Coaching Program

Are You Ready to Transform Your Trading Future?

The Fierce 10 coaching program is a 10-week self-paced, on-demand course designed to increase your trading consistency. This program delves into techniques for developing your mindset, emotional intelligence, and self-mastery.

Key Components of the Program

Module 1: Setting Yourself Up for Success

  • Design Your Journey to Full-Time Trading
  • The Four Categories of a Robust Trading Business
  • The Wheel of Trading Success

Module 2: Breaking Self-Sabotage Patterns

  • Understanding the Ego and Overcoming Impulsive Behavior
  • Identifying and Clearing Blockages
  • Creating Habits for Success

Module 3: Managing Trading Pitfalls

  • The Difference Between Profitable and Losing Traders
  • Success Principles for Traders
  • Effective Journaling Techniques

Module 4: Emotional Intelligence for Traders

  • Personal Emotional Guidance System
  • Mastering Emotions
  • Overcoming Losing Streaks

Module 5: The Empowerment Code

  • Building a Healthy Relationship with Failure
  • Practicing Mindfulness
  • Enhancing Discipline and Patience

Module 6: Mind Matters

  • Self-Discipline, Self-Talk, and Emotions
  • Advanced Thinking Levels
  • Dealing with Fear

Module 7: Keys to Trading Success

  • Building Resilience and Managing Stress
  • Staying Calm Under Pressure
  • Unlocking Your Inner Successful Trader

Module 8: Personal Power

  • Managing Superhero Syndrome
  • Handling Losses Like a Winner
  • Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Module 9: Accelerating Performance

  • Discovering Your Money Identity and Beliefs
  • Improving Your Relationship with Money
  • Transforming Your Trader Identity

Module 10: Living the Dream

  • Designing Your Roadmap to Full-Time Trading
  • Planning for a Successful Trading Life

Is Fierce 10 Right for You?

Fierce 10 is ideal for traders who:

  • Aspire to be full-time traders
  • Struggle with self-sabotage
  • Are inconsistent in their trading behavior
  • Experience frustration from giving back profits
  • Feel uncertain about achieving their trading goals
  • Are stuck in a trading rut
  • Understand the importance of a strong mindset but need guidance on how to achieve it


Fierce 10 High Performance Trading is more than just a course—it’s a transformative journey that equips you with the tools and mindset necessary for long-term trading success. By following the principles and practices outlined in the program, you can step into your power and become the trader you deserve to be. Don’t let self-sabotaging behaviors hold you back. Embrace the path to trading excellence with Fierce 10.

If you’re interested in delving deeper into any particular course or catching a glimpse of its content beforehand, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our Email or Telegram accounts. We’re here to promptly furnish you with all the information and evidence you require! stands out as an affordable option for individuals seeking quality courses without breaking the bank.

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